Virtual Comedy and Dramedy 1

Check out all the Comedy and Dramedy! You may even laugh out loud!!


Department of Paranormal Affairs


You're Never Alone
Against her better judgment she lets them move in with her and turns her life upside down to accommodate the quirks of her husband's critical mother, stoic father, and strangely combative sister. Their relationships were never good to begin with but under the strain of grief and too much togetherness, Maggie struggles to assert herself against this team of in-laws trying to control her under the guise of kindness. But it’s three against one and they’re making themselves comfortable and turning Maggie into a stranger in her own home. How much can she put up with before it’s time to take a stand?

Pulp Air (Season Series)

Terechkova (the first woman to fly in space), now finds herself missing an arm. Forced to spend the next few weeks in a rehabilitation center for young amputees, Mathilde will be confronted with the various stages of rehabilitation, before finally learning to thrive despite her handicap. LA TERRE APPELLE MATHILDE is a comedy-drama with a strong personality, dealing with human nature, its missteps and the transition to adulthood.
6 X 12 minutes | ROMEO & FILS, 2024 | Montreal, QC, Canada


Los Aspirantes -The Applicants-

The Gliwensbourg Chronicles - Season 1
The soldier arrives, amnesiac, in the middle of a booty hunt between clans living reclusively in the marshes, a marsh that has been plagued by a curse for a decade. The loot hidden in a mine during the war is their ticket out, but the threatening presence of mysterious creatures makes underground expeditions perilous...
As one problem never comes alone, an agent of the State arrives in Gliwensbourg to shed light on the County's finances in the midst of a national policy of economic recovery. The noose is tightening around these unsociable people. Lala, the Elder and Shaman of the 'melons' community, warns the soldier about this announced agent of the State whose fate is linked to his own. He absolutely must find out what mission the Djinns have entrusted him with, and the clock is ticking...

The Party

Tears for the Bird

Unadventurers - Season 3
The storm in which Vic and Vicky were kidnapped had a name and degree of kinship: Valquíria, their mother, triumphed and is now Mother of All. With her inconvenient bard children out of the way, electing herself Democratically Elected Queen was simple.
In oppressive shadow and silence, her government thrives.
Geburath and Shura are determined to bring back the music that can bring her down.